Verdeck change tutorial
Hello everyone, 
I recently bought a new soft top for my Audi 89 cabrio from Osnabrück cabrio zentrum, and I received also a instalation guide. The instructions are in German and I really don't understand what is written there, only the photos. 
Does anyone know where I can find a tutorial to change the soft top? I searched here on the forum, but won't found anything. 
Many thanks 
Best regards 
A Lucian
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Hey Lucian,

don’t know where to find the correct tutorial.
But I am frequently using Pro version.
You can upload pdf and it’s getting very well translated by AI teaches bases.
30 days it’s a free trial … maybe an alternative for your problem

Kind regards
Schönwettercruiser 03-10: Kaktusgrün Perleffekt, Verdeck grün, Nappaleder Sesam, Wurzelholz, Audi Holzlenkrad seit 03/2009, Audi Holzschaltknauf seit 05/2010, 2x Reinholdmodule, Chrom Front, Tachoringe, Walde Gurtkappen, DELTA CC & 6-fach CD, Tempomat seit 06/2010, 205/55R16V Michelin Primacy HP seit 03/2011
[Bild: 132139.png]

[Bild: sign2.jpg]

VCDS (VAG-Com) Service Raum 09xxx und 01xxx für alle VAG Modelle
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Hi Lucian,
I would recommend to ask the Osnabrück Cabrio centre for an installation instruction in English; they should have it. Another hint if you intend to replace the soft top: You can expect rust on the frame where it was in touch with the canvas, further I remember there is some soft material on the front and rear frames with rust underneath. After removal of the skin I carefully covered the cockpit with blankets, cleaned the frame and grinded the rust (in the other hand a vac cleaner). I painted the grinded spots on the beams with black 'Brantho-Korrux 3in1' (for example) using a brush, because the frame will most likely not be seen again.

Cheerio - Christoph
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Ok, thank you all for the tips.
at the end... it's not very complicated to work on. It's important to have time, work organised and make a lot of photos.
I will try to ask for a english installation guide. You right, already found rust on the rear side (the metal under the rear window) and cleaned, treated with rust convertor and painted in black.
Now I will try to change the elastic band, because is really in bad shape.
Tomorrow I will make some photos.
Thanks again,
Best regards
A. Lucian
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