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Problem with autoroof... - Druckversion

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Problem with autoroof... - Catiska - 13.05.2010


I have a problem with electric roof and i find some information on this forum, but only German, not English. But, maybe somebody can help me.

I have old 1997 Audi Cabrio and end of last summer my car electric roof stop working. If i try use that, only warning light blinking, nothing more.

At today (first warm day in Finland) i take out my Cabrio and connect it to VAG-COM unit. I find that codes:

Address 26: Auto Roof Labels: None
Part No: 8G0 959 255 A

1 Fault Found:
00271 - See Repair Group 01
35-10 - - - Intermittent

Then i take information from measurement unit when roof was closed, hand brake on and ready to open roof. Bytes was that kind:

Address 26: Auto Roof (8G0 959 255 A)

19:25:01 Group 001
00100100 Bin. Bits
00100101 Bin. Bits
00000100 Bin. Bits
11 00 Bin. Bits

Can anybody find, what is wrong?

RE: Problem with autoroof... - Heinmaster1 - 13.05.2010

Hi Catiska,
first of all I would like to say welcome u to our forum!!! Zwinker
There can be different failures, a cable can be broken for example or the roof has benn not fully closed (operatorfailure)???
What is with the error code, has it been deleted???
Best regards

RE: Problem with autoroof... - Catiska - 14.05.2010

Hi Sascha,

Thanks, that is nice forum!!

I didn't found any other error codes, only that one...
But, in measurement block (first block first byte) is wrong, what that byte mean? "F200 verriegelt"??? That should be YES (JA) but it is NO (NEIN)...

RE: Problem with autoroof... - Heinmaster1 - 14.05.2010

Hmmm, have u check the "Mikroschalter"???
Look at this link:

RE: Problem with autoroof... - Catiska - 14.05.2010

Is "mikrochalter" a microswitch? Maybe right side microswitch on roof cover?

RE: Problem with autoroof... - JJ1985 - 14.05.2010

Mikroschalter translated ist microswitch, thats right.
To your second question, i can´t say anything(I dont know it).

RE: Problem with autoroof... - Cabriofreak - 14.05.2010

Hi Catiska,

welcome on this Board.

I understand correct that your Roof don`t work comlpetly (Roof Switch pushed) and the Warning Light flashing in this Moment?

It is also possible that the Problem comes from the RIGHT CABLE HARNESS on your Luggage Door. On my Car it was the same Problem and the Cables was broken inside of the Harness. You can it repair temporarly but a replacement it better.

A Sec Problem is the Mircroswitch of the Hook from your Roof Cap. Please Check that that the Holder from the Roof Cap is correctly closed in the Hook. (L/H and R/H). The Hook is under the little Black Cap on your Car. This Black Cap is closed in Roof Open Position and Open when it is closed.

Nice Greats Andreas

RE: Problem with autoroof... - Catiska - 14.05.2010

(14.05.2010, 13:29)Cabriofreak schrieb: It is also possible that the Problem comes from the RIGHT CABLE HARNESS on your Luggage Door. On my Car it was the same Problem and the Cables was broken inside of the Harness. You can it repair temporarly but a replacement it better.

Thanks a lot for everyone!!!

That work, problem was right cable harnes... It is now repaired temporarly but i should order a new one.


RE: Problem with autoroof... - Cabriofreak - 14.05.2010

(14.05.2010, 18:11)Catiska schrieb:
(14.05.2010, 13:29)Cabriofreak schrieb: It is also possible that the Problem comes from the RIGHT CABLE HARNESS on your Luggage Door. On my Car it was the same Problem and the Cables was broken inside of the Harness. You can it repair temporarly but a replacement it better.

Thanks a lot for everyone!!!

That work, problem was right cable harnes... It is now repaired temporarly but i should order a new one.


That is fine.

You can order a new one by Audi but the Price is high. In Germany ca. 120€ and 2 Years Garantee.

You can order a Repairkit from the Company FOBA The Price of this Repairkit is ca. 50€ plus Shipping. You have 10 Years Garantee.

Send a E-mail on or call hin 004915201900896.

Nice Greats Andreas

RE: Problem with autoroof... - Catiska - 16.05.2010

Thanks a lot Andreas!!