Probleme E-Verdeck mit VIDEO!

unfortunately without having detailed information.... but just a short comment from my side on comparing the cables with s/o elses:

As I remember, there are different trunk cable versions due to the presence or absence of a trunk lid position switch (a ball in a box, indicating the angle of the lid) and the third brake light.
I recommend to carefully study which versions you are comparing.

Good luck!
Best regards
sonnige Grüße
[Bild: lorenz.gif]

alles unter 2,6 Liter ist Steuerhinterziehung!

[Bild: RDGA2013_sig.JPG]
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Thanks Lorentz for letting me know.

I've been searching around for pictures and the closest I have come to so far is this picture but the black plug is behind the blue plug Da bin ich aber traurig!

[Bild: boot_22.jpg]

My car is a -94 without the third brake light. I am tempted to just plug the yellow/white into the black plug for check but won't do it as it could in worst case lead into disaster and destroy something else. So I am searching for a picture or someone that can tell me the wiring of this black adapter/plug.
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mine is from 97 with third brake light, plus (as far as I know) there is no lid angle sensor.
Thus I will not be able to help you with pictures of my car. But I am sure, someone else here with a comparable vehicle will take over and send some pictures, sooner or later.

Take Care
sonnige Grüße
[Bild: lorenz.gif]

alles unter 2,6 Liter ist Steuerhinterziehung!

[Bild: RDGA2013_sig.JPG]
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(03.03.2009, 12:46)Grappa schrieb: Lars,

mine is from 97 with third brake light, plus (as far as I know) there is no lid angle sensor.
Thus I will not be able to help you with pictures of my car. But I am sure, someone else here with a comparable vehicle will take over and send some pictures, sooner or later.

Take Care

Yes, I hope so too Smile Until then I am pretty stuck with the e-verdeck But I keep searching for an answer. I bet there are at least one thread on the this matter somewhere on some Audi forum in the world. Big Grin
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U P D A T E !

New cables are in place and I guess I have serious problems.

First. I found out that I think I have to much hydraulic oil in the pump. How is the easiest way to a pour a little oil from the pump? And could this have to do with the problem that I now have:

Before I replaced the cables the rooflid gave up totally and still is. If I open the roof everything goes fine until the stage where the bootlid should rise. Now nothing is happening. The lid won't unlock at all and this is on both sides. The pump is continuing and there's a sharp sound from the back. If I release the roof button and press it again nothing is happening except for the blinking symbol in the dash, the system is dead.

If I push the roof in the roof-lid and close it manually and the put the ignition on, nothing is happening at all except 10 blinks in the dashpanel!

Tonight I checked with VAG-COM and all switches in F199 and F201 are working and giving 1 and 0 in "Messverterblock - 08" when pressing them. They both do lock and unlock the bootlid when I am pressing them down.
I reseted the hood and now I get errorcode -J256. Could it be that the "Steuergerät" ist kaputt or is it because of too much oil in the pump? Or what else could it be. Now I know the cables are 100 % working (except for that yellow/white which I still doesn't know where it belongs).

Any help is highly appreciated as I don't know where to go on from here except buying a new system or selling the car Da bin ich aber traurig!.
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Due to limited time, I just come up with one short comment for now. Later on I check if I can help more.

10 times blinking after switching the ignition on tells you that there are faults stored in the controller. If you reset the fault memory with the help of VAG-COM, the 10 times blinking at ignition should dissapear.
Furthermore there should be no blinking at anytime just until operating the roof again. Then of course the fault memory gets filled again.

Best regards
sonnige Grüße
[Bild: lorenz.gif]

alles unter 2,6 Liter ist Steuerhinterziehung!

[Bild: RDGA2013_sig.JPG]
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Noch einmal probleme.

The power windows works fine when I open the roof, they go down halfways. But I just found out that when I push the button to close them it just clicks, power windows are dead. The same thing happens if I lower the windows (without doing anything with the roof), I must use the door panel and manually pull up all the each window. Is this a common problem?

There is no error code in VAG-COM but I suspect it's in a different group from the hood?

Oh... noch einmal frage. Was bedutet DWA? Au Backe
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D iebstahl
W arn
A nlage

That means the alarm system, which ist activated, when someone tries to steal the car.


Gruß aus dem schönen Weserbergland,


Meine Audis:

A3, Typ 8P, 2004
Cabrio, Typ 89, 1997
Coupé S, Typ C1, 1971

Im Konjunktiv ist alles möglich

[Bild: b4xgeyyzc9euazynp.jpg]

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Hello Lars!

(06.03.2009, 19:43)Stout001 schrieb: ...There is no error code in VAG-COM but I suspect it's in a different group from the hood?

Controller J256 (= Verdecksteuergerät) is responsible for moving the power windows (via the corresponding relays).
AND: The switch is (temporary) disabled - whilst moving the roof.
The above mentioned relays are (should be) placed under the steering wheel, behind the cover.

(06.03.2009, 19:43)Stout001 schrieb: ...Oh... noch einmal frage. Was bedutet DWA? Au Backe...

DWA = Diebstahlwarnanlage = anti-theft alarm system

Übrigens: Einkaufen ist leichter als Einbauen... ™
Und noch etwas: Es heißt Audi Cabriolet. Ohne 80.

04/2007 - 07/2014 96er ABC Automatik - seit 09/2014 04er ASN Multitronic Das ja man doof
[Bild: TJ.jpg]
Total verbastelt Behutsam optimiert © - und als Wasserleiche schmählich entsorgt. Das das kacke oder was?! - Also auf ein Neues!  

VCDS HEX-CAN aktuell dt./engl..

Ø-Verbrauch: [Bild: 239549_5.png]

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(03.03.2009, 11:55)Grappa schrieb: ...
As I remember, there are different trunk cable versions due to the presence or absence of a trunk lid position switch (a ball in a box, indicating the angle of the lid) and the third brake light.

Hello Lorenz,

I tend to this version.

Übrigens: Einkaufen ist leichter als Einbauen... ™
Und noch etwas: Es heißt Audi Cabriolet. Ohne 80.

04/2007 - 07/2014 96er ABC Automatik - seit 09/2014 04er ASN Multitronic Das ja man doof
[Bild: TJ.jpg]
Total verbastelt Behutsam optimiert © - und als Wasserleiche schmählich entsorgt. Das das kacke oder was?! - Also auf ein Neues!  

VCDS HEX-CAN aktuell dt./engl..

Ø-Verbrauch: [Bild: 239549_5.png]

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