03.03.2009, 00:54
Hej Lars,
the cable does not really look state of the art. Likely earlier owners of your car had some sticky fingers.
You will find what you are looking for in the FAQ section:
Audi Cabrio FAQ Neu \ Elektrik\ Audi Cabrio\ Stromlaufpläne\ E-Verdeck verschiedene SLP's
Unfortunately not my area of excellence
Good luck for further proceedings!
the cable does not really look state of the art. Likely earlier owners of your car had some sticky fingers.
You will find what you are looking for in the FAQ section:
Audi Cabrio FAQ Neu \ Elektrik\ Audi Cabrio\ Stromlaufpläne\ E-Verdeck verschiedene SLP's
Unfortunately not my area of excellence

Good luck for further proceedings!
Gruss aus Nordwest!