ABK motorChiptuning... Any hints?
Hallo Everybody, and sorry If I write in English but my writing abilities in German are close to nothing Da bin ich aber traurig!. I just came back from my first holyday with my newly bought 10 yr old Cabrio to Lake Balaton in Hungary, or Plattensee as many of you may know it (BTW, a lot of 80 and A4 cabrio over there, mainly from Austria and Germany, any of you were there in the last two weeks?). Everything's all right, but I feel the car is a bit lazy... Anybody ever tried or is using still any kind of chip tuning on an ABK motor (i.e. 2.0 L 115 PS)?!? (possibly even on a Limo/Avant 80 or 100)
If so what were/are the benefits and the downturns?
I know that many will suggest to switch to a V6, but here in Italy tax (and insurance above all) are not very friendly for a 2.6 or a 2.8 liter...
Vielen danke for all the answers you'll want to give (Even if in German as I can read it a bit better than I can write it Smile
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Nachrichten in diesem Thema
ABK motorChiptuning... Any hints? - von Speedal - 31.08.2006, 02:08
RE: ABK motorChiptuning... Any hints? - von Tux - 31.08.2006, 08:30

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