Probleme E-Verdeck mit VIDEO!
Kalle ..... was habe ich ihm in Beitrag #66 gepostet ? Nenene
Stoutlover schrieb:What I don't understand though is where the 4 x window button in the middle control panel is connected to. Is this what you call "the control unit"?
No, the answer is J256 Ätschibätsch It is connected to roof control unit. This in turn operates the windows. Michael said this (indirectly)
Jenkins schrieb:As I understand it they are only responsible for moving the windows, whether via J256 or via the central switch (and J256 as well).

Verstehen kann man das Leben nur rückwärts, leben muss man es vorwärts.
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sorry my mistake! I did not pay attention. Please erase.


Gruß aus dem schönen Weserbergland,


Meine Audis:

A3, Typ 8P, 2004
Cabrio, Typ 89, 1997
Coupé S, Typ C1, 1971

Im Konjunktiv ist alles möglich

[Bild: b4xgeyyzc9euazynp.jpg]

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(09.03.2009, 19:35)Tux schrieb: No, the answer is J256 Ätschibätsch It is connected to roof control unit. This in turn operates the windows. Michael said this (indirectly)
Jenkins schrieb:As I understand it they are only responsible for moving the windows, whether via J256 or via the central switch (and J256 as well).

Interesting. I am not getting any error codes on the Power Winows when running VAG-COM, on the other hand, I've never been able to run the full roof procedure because of the interruption with the boot lid so I can't really tell if the power windows would work or not. I have reset the control unit using VAG-COM so why does the power windows don't work to lift?

Hoewer I have the gas struts in my hand and will fly to the garage for installing... zoooooooom

(i'll be back Zwinker )

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(09.03.2009, 14:14)Stout001 schrieb: ...I will check that today. But I also read posts about other relays involved. 367, 363, 343, 20 and 21. I will try to locate them today and have a check...
Hello Lars!

There's one controller, as Tux wrote most commonly sitting on sockets 5+6. This controller can have printed on it 367 OR 363 OR 343 OR sth. else. But always only one controller. Bigger than the others.

But there's one point where I disagree with Tux: My cab from model year 1996 obviously doesn't have relay sockets 19 to 22. 'Cause I couldn't find them. But of course I don't know the details for model year 1994. Or 1993. Zwinker

May be you should check whether there are relays under the rear seating or not.

Lars erwähnt die STG mit den Nummern 367 usw. Sowie die Relaisplätze 20 und 21.
Ich habe nochmal zusammengefaßt, daß es nur ein großes STG mit einer der aufgeführten Nummern sein kann. Und daß mein Cab keine Relaisplätze 19 bis 22 hat. Was in 1994 (bei Lars) und/oder 1993 (bei Tux) ganz anders aussehen kann.

Übrigens: Einkaufen ist leichter als Einbauen... ™
Und noch etwas: Es heißt Audi Cabriolet. Ohne 80.

04/2007 - 07/2014 96er ABC Automatik - seit 09/2014 04er ASN Multitronic Das ja man doof
[Bild: TJ.jpg]
Total verbastelt Behutsam optimiert © - und als Wasserleiche schmählich entsorgt. Das das kacke oder was?! - Also auf ein Neues!  

VCDS HEX-CAN aktuell dt./engl..

Ø-Verbrauch: [Bild: 239549_5.png]

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Hi Micha,

First did you get my e-mail reply yesterday?

(09.03.2009, 21:16)Jenkins schrieb: Hello Lars!

There's one controller, as Tux wrote most commonly sitting on sockets 5+6. This controller can have printed on it 367 OR 363 OR 343 OR sth. else. But always only one controller. Bigger than the others.

But there's one point where I disagree with Tux: My cab from model year 1996 obviously doesn't have relay sockets 19 to 22. 'Cause I couldn't find them. But of course I don't know the details for model year 1994. Or 1993. Zwinker

May be you should check whether there are relays under the rear seating or not.

Yes I have two relays under the rear seat but I don't know the numbers of them in my head. I will check ASAP (which means after writning this post) I will also check for the big controller.

I went out and installed the gas struts in the roof lid. Now the lid stays up and don't fall down anymore. I hooked up VAG COM and did a diagnosis and the first thing I got that I never got before was
01108 Power closing relay
28-10 J292
Short to plus

which in the documentaion I refer to :

[Bild: 01108%20-%20Relay%20for%20raising%20Windows%20-J292.jpg]

The only problem now is that I don't know where the J292 can be found.

I will contiune to view you the result of the check of the hood as I have some interesting results in VAG-COM, but that will be after the power windows have a solution. Zwinker
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Hello Lars,

I got your mail. And answered it - but only 5 min ago. Sorry.

As your printout already says, you have to check the relay for raising the windows. But unfortunately I don't know where you can find this one. Maybe one of the two under the steering wheel, may be one of the two under the rear seating. As Tux wrote: under the rear seating AND socket 16. In my car: only socket 16. But if you can mix them (13+16 OR 20+21) and the error stays the same, then you should look for shortcuts to ground.

Übrigens: Einkaufen ist leichter als Einbauen... ™
Und noch etwas: Es heißt Audi Cabriolet. Ohne 80.

04/2007 - 07/2014 96er ABC Automatik - seit 09/2014 04er ASN Multitronic Das ja man doof
[Bild: TJ.jpg]
Total verbastelt Behutsam optimiert © - und als Wasserleiche schmählich entsorgt. Das das kacke oder was?! - Also auf ein Neues!  

VCDS HEX-CAN aktuell dt./engl..

Ø-Verbrauch: [Bild: 239549_5.png]

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Good evening everybody,

W A R N I N G - L O N G R E A D I N G Rolleyes

So this is how it looks on a 1994 electric cabrio with ABC motor:
[Bild: relais.jpg]

The only relay that is not visible on the picture is behind 363 and has the number 217. I have visually checked them all and some had corrision so I cleaned them up. 363 is the control unit. I opened it up to checked inside but didn't find any cold or loose soldering. I will however put solder on the pins just to be shure. But when I push the central power windows button it is the one (#203) to the left of 363 that is making a strong click. Even if I change places on both 203's

After cleaning every single relay, I put them in place again and guess what, still no raising power windows Bin verärgert!

I know I have two relays in the back but they are not under the rear seat but behind the back support. I didn't have the time to remove it so that will be done tomorrow.

One more thing. My KL-interface gave up earlier so I can't do any resetting. I must get a new one and I know that the '94 ABC engine is crucial so at the moment I don't know which KL-interface I will get, one thing for sure is that the cheap blue interfaces with viritual COM is not working in my car.

Soon I will continue to investigate the errors of the roof. I did som tests tonight with VAG-COM and refering to Mechis aboslutely excellent MWB+Pruefschritte(gesch).
I have some odd things going on in the system. There are totally 14 steps (Schritt) and I completed 4 of them before the VAG-COM interface gave up. Da bin ich aber traurig!

Green numers are the correct values
Red numbers are the values to my roof
Blue are equeal values

Step 1
Verdeck geschlossen, Handbremse angezogen, Zündung an,
Scheiben oben, Kofferraumdeckel geschlossen, Kontrolllampe Verdeck aus.

OK (No fault)

Step 2
Drehen Sie den zentralen Drehgriff, ohne das Verdeck vom Dachrahmen

OK (No Fault)

Step 3
Heb den Spannbügel etwas vom Dachrahmen ab

Messwerteblock 1 (Eingangssignale)
- Gruppe 1 --------- Gruppe2
- 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 - - 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
- 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 - - 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
Comment: If I raise the roof a little bit further (approx 5 cm) I get a 0 as the last digit so there is no actual fault as the hood takes over when I push the roof button.

Messwerteblock 2 (Ausgangssignale)
- Gruppe 1 --- Gruppe2
- 0 0 0 1 1 - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- 0 0 0 1 0 - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Comment. Output is failing. I dont really know how to read the "Messwereblock 2" codes and what they stand for, anybody knowing?

Step 4
Taster für Verdeckbetätigung ziehen

Messwerteblock 1 (Eingangssignale)
OK (No fault)

Messwerteblock 2 (Ausgangssignale)
- Gruppe 1 --- Gruppe2
- 0 1 0 1 0 - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- 0 1 0 1 0 - - 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
Comment: Same ouput signal, still don't know that the digits mean!

I will continue and present the complete "Messwerteblöcke nach Zustand" when I have the new interface. One interesting thing though, is that when the roof comes to the failing segment where the roof lid goes up (in the video it falls down, but not anymore as I have brand new gas-filled struts) everything stops and the back of the hood is slowly falling down. At this stage the Messerverteblock 2 (Ausgangssignale) is zero all over.
Messwerteblock 1 (Eingangssignale)
- 0 0 0 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
should be if it was working
- 0 0 0 1 0 - - 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

In other words. there is no signal, system is dead! I can however pull the roof button backwards, to close the roof again. Strange, isn't it. Any tip on this is highly appriciated..

The other way around, when raising the roof from a locked roof-lid works excellent except for that the left and right locks does not lock, the griparms does not go down, therefore the boot-lid won't unlock. It could. Does the weight and closing of the roof making the lock (Verdeckkastenschloß) to actually lock?

This is getting blurry and real late. I stop for now and hope that you cabriofans can help me sorting this out.

Ja Massa Ja Massa Ja Massa
Sorry, I exceded the 10 min editing limit time The Messwereblock 2 in Schritt 3 & 4 are wrong.
This was corrected above. Tux
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Guten Abend,

Ich habe nun eine neu VAG-COM adapter das ist klappen Ja Massa

Ich muss frage. Wie wiederherstellen mann die Fehlerkoden In VAG-COM 3.11 2?

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Hallo Cabrio Freunde

Dies ist schwer zu formulierein für mich in Deutsch so ich will in Englisch schreibe.

Okey, I've done some research with VAG-COM

First. When the top is closed, everything looks good except for Block 2/8 -
F204 Spannb abgele. It should be 1 but is 0.

I guess that the upper right hydraulik cylinder have been a problem from the very start. I searched on -F204 in the community and found this link that is refering to a simular as I have.

Jede menge elektrik Fehler.....

This tip is interesting, did anyone triy to repair a hydraulic cylinder?

bau den zylinder mal aus und zieh ihn raus und schau dir mal an ob die stange die du da raus ziehst krum ist wenn sie das ist versuch sie vorsichtig irgendwie gerade zu bekommen (tuch und schraubstock und beherzte schläge mit dem hammer sollen helfen)

I've hoovered for about a month in hope to see some spare parts but haven't found any hydraulic cylinders except for the hood lid. Does anybody know where to get used working cylinders? I guess they are over expencive to buy a new at an Audio dealer.

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(18.03.2009, 16:23)Stout001 schrieb: I guess that the upper right hydraulik cylinder have been a problem from the very start. I searched on -F204 in the community and found this link that is refering to a simular as I have.

Jede menge elektrik Fehler.....

This tip is interesting, did anyone triy to repair a hydraulic cylinder?

Good evening Lars!

Thank God I didn't have to do this. But this very thread continues (again) with cable problems, esp. contribution #11. Did you see/understand this? Or doesn't that match the situation in your car?

Übrigens: Einkaufen ist leichter als Einbauen... ™
Und noch etwas: Es heißt Audi Cabriolet. Ohne 80.

04/2007 - 07/2014 96er ABC Automatik - seit 09/2014 04er ASN Multitronic Das ja man doof
[Bild: TJ.jpg]
Total verbastelt Behutsam optimiert © - und als Wasserleiche schmählich entsorgt. Das das kacke oder was?! - Also auf ein Neues!  

VCDS HEX-CAN aktuell dt./engl..

Ø-Verbrauch: [Bild: 239549_5.png]

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